
The P×P Embassy is dedicated to creating a peaceful world through equal opportunities for all children. It is our response to today’s inequalities in the education system, which particularly affect children from historically marginalized communities and underprivileged families.

Our focus is on educational equity, in particular the promotion of future skills.
What sets us apart? We appeal to children and young people through topics that they naturally enjoy: Music, sports and games.

The Embassy is where our mission of empowering children with Future Skills as part of building a truly inclusive society becomes a reality.



Future Goals

We run programs where we directly engage and teach young people Future Skills – already today. We have executed multiple projects, connecting kids with enterprises to inspire future perspectives.

Two ongoing initiatives that you can support are the “Future Goals” Initiative with Patron and Co-Initiator Sami Khedira and “Music Coding”.


Music Coding

We develop a web-based program that introduces young people to the basics of coding through music production.

At the beginning, the focus is on two core curricula: the ‘Basic Course on Song Programming’ and the course ‘Promoting Equality through Beats and Coding’.
Involving young people in the conceptual phase ensures that the program is engaging and effective.

If you are interested to know more or to co-develop a program, please get in touch:

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P×P Awareness:
Advocacy for Educational Reform

While we continue to make direct impacts through our own programs, our overall goal is to raise awareness about the crucial issue of education. We are committed to advocating for a comprehensive educational reform in Germany.
As part of this effort, we organize the PxP Festival in collaboration with educational initiatives. This festival serves as a beacon for making the educational landscape in Germany future-proof and equitable.

PxP Festival

Thousands of people gathered in Berlin in 2023 to explore how we can make education in Germany future-proof. 70 educational initiatives and a total of 120 speakers discussed the current state, offered solutions, and celebrated with outstanding live musical performances.

Thanks to our partners from: #wirfürschule, Helga Breuninger Stiftung, Education Innovation Lab, Teach First Deutschland and SV-Bildungswerk.

Future Skills Alliance

We are co-initiators of the Future Skills Alliance.
Our mission is clear: We want to establish a high-performance ecosystem by promoting future skills.We are committed to making lifelong learning accessible and meaningful for everyone, so that everyone has the opportunity to participate in and shape society


